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Hedychiums are Tropical Gingers plants that have stunning tropical foliage and at the end of the summer growing period will produce a fabulous display of delicate, beautiful fragrant flowers. They grow to around 4-6 feet in height and prefer partial shade for best results, but near a south facing wall to reflect warmth. The rhizome (root part) will enlarge each year and produce more and more stems each year. Hedychiums can be either planted out in the garden or in a large container. They are tropical, so frost tender, which can mean if we get an early frost will damage the plant and foliage before it flowers, if planted in the garden. If containerised, it can be moved inside or into the greenhouse, to allow it to flower. On sale at present are large, freshly cut rhizomes, which need to be planted immediately on arrival in the smallest pot they will fit in using a well draining soil. They need some warmth to initiate growing, but once started can be planted outside.

Hedychium "Aurantiacum" - Fragrant Ginger

  • Plant IMMEDIATELY on arrival in smallest pot possible with well draining soil mix.

    Initiate growth with some warmth or bottom heat.

    Once showing signs of foliage growth they can be potted in large container or planted in ground (when no chance of frost).

    Prefer a shady position near a south facing wall, to reflect warmth.

    Like water and fertiliser (heavy feeders).

    Produce stunning foliage and fragrant flowers (at end of summer).

    Need some kind of overwintering - if in ground, can be either dug up and stored or heavily mulched to protect rhizome. If containerised, can be bought inside to enjoy flowers or moved to greenhouse.

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